Relieve Your Stress in 30 Minutes at the Toronto Rage Room


Relieve Your Stress in 30 Minutes at the Toronto Rage Room


One innovative Toronto based company is giving Canadians a safe and effective way to smash out their built up stress and anger. Continuous stress has been linked to a myriad of health problems and can lead to shocking violence. With stress being responsible for a majority of doctor visits this is becoming an increasingly costly problem for both governments and companies.

At the Toronto Rage Room you get 30 minutes to release your built up tension by smashing a wide range of objects. You can pick a baseball bat, crow bar or hockey stick to wreak havoc on plates, lawn gnomes, porcelain angels, old printers & the Toronto Rage Room’s special “indestructible block”. It’s a harmless way to get rid of stress since with the protective gear worn no broken glass or flying particles hurt you or others. This groundbreaking idea for reducing pent up anger originated in Syria and is already receiving rave reviews from Canadians.

“I think I definitely relieved some stress,” said Christine Pynkoski, after shattering a few plates with a metal baseball bat.

“I’ve never seen anything like this and in everyday life, you get stressed out.”


For all of us stress is a natural part of life, in small doses it can be beneficial but when you suffer continuous stress it becomes a monstrous health problem. When you routinely suffer from stress it develops into a negative body state called distress. Distress causes multiple levels of tension that lead people to self-medicate with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. This compounds the problem and creates even more serious health consequences. Studies show that stress related complaints make up 70-90% of all doctor visits & plays a major role in the development of heart problems, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, headaches & asthma. A staggering 43% of all adults experience stress related health problems, causing a whopping total of $300 Billion in American industries alone.

Since suppressing your stress with alcohol and drugs just makes it worse we have think outside the box & return to our primal roots. This means that instead of holding back on built up frustration you need to smash it out with quick bursts of aggression. The wild success of the Toronto Rage Room is a prime example of how effective this much needed service is. Hopefully it catches on and helps combat this alarming trend of self-medication, violence & health problems that’s plaguing adults worldwide.