Amidst the tsunami of new online slot games, a few are stealing the show. Even though these games are new, their providers aren’t. In this industry, it takes a decent amount of time for an online casino to build its reputation. After years of avoiding blacklists, these sites enjoy the glory of earning our trust. This impressive display of honesty gives them the benefit of a doubt when releasing new games. Since their anterior games were game changers, the next … →
Situated only a half mile away from Canada is the notorious city of Detroit. While it may embody the failure of the American dream, it has come a long way in the last few years. There are still plenty of abandoned buildings, but it is now safe to visit. The downtown area has been revitalized & tourism is on the rise. This fresh burst of interest is putting the spotlight back on Detroit. It may have been hit hard by … →
In many ways, 2016 highlighted the good & bad side of online casinos. Over the last few years the online gambling industry has transformed into an international bonanza. Online casinos are the perfect way for people to gamble in the comfort of their own home. This unrivaled convenience has pushed millions of players to switch to playing online. All this fresh interest has given birth to a tsunami of new casinos. Now players from around the world have access to … →
It’s a new year, so pick up your passport & explore somewhere new! Travelling is no longer limited to backpackers & people who have nothing to lose. Nowadays, everything has been blogged about at least 100 times. Even the most rustic countries that used to be war zones now have cafes & wifi. In the midst of global gentrification, finding the perfect travel destination is as easy as doing a Google search. You can preview pretty much everything necessary to … →
Christmas is celebrated around the world, but you wouldn’t believe what some cultures consider normal. Even though the Western version of Christmas dominates our imaginations, there are plenty of bizarre twists on this tradition. From outrageous marketing campaigns to regional tweaks, Christmas is a holiday that takes many forms. These variations range from shocking to down right hilarious. By looking at other cultures, you get valuable insight on what’s really important. For this reason, we have compiled a list of delightfully … →
There have been plenty of gamblers, but only a few have stolen the show. Beating the casinos at their own game is next to impossible, but some managed to pull it off. These feats are more than extraordinary, since they defy logic by exploiting loopholes. Understandably, casinos have invested millions in protecting their assets. This includes larger than life security that’s especially trained to spot cheaters. Shockingly, even the best security in the world can’t stop all casino scammers. Plenty … →
The holidays are upon us, so it’s time to start playing Christmas themed slots. This time of year brings a lot of stress, so the perfect solution is festive casino games. Christmas themed slots help you get in the right mindset during the holidays. Online casinos are holding nothing back this year, so it’s prime time to take advantage of new releases. Out of this tsunami of new options there are a slew of Christmas themed games. These are more than … →