As Canada gets ready to legalize marijuana, new pot dispensaries are sprouting up across the country. Since Trudeau was elected, the number of medical marijuana dispensaries has tripled. These numbers are growing fast, fueled by the anticipation of this epic victory. Some of the medical marijuana dispensaries are operating legally, while others are not. Faced with a horrifying fentanyl epidemic, Canadian police are turning a blind eye to this booming industry. While patients are delighted to have more options, dispensaries … →
Even though one third of Canadians dream about winning the lottery, most of us wouldn’t be able to handle it. Contrary to popular belief, once you win the lottery your problems are far from over. The real tribulations have just begun once you have the winning ticket. When you publicly attain that amount of money, you open up doors to a flood of unforeseen problems. Unfortunately for many big winners, the dream quickly turned into a nightmare. For that amount … →
Since Seattle is the home to world renowned coffee giant Starbucks, it’s no surprise that coffee shops are abundant. When visiting our neighbors down South, a strong cup of coffee is in order. Many people are sick of mass produced coffee, so finding out of the way spots is the way to go. Luckily for the wandering traveler, Seattle is filled with amazing coffee shops. They range from quaint to downright eccentric, but they all provide an epic cup of … →
Faced with the steady decline of the Canadian dollar, Canadians are rethinking their vacations plans. An increased amount of people are being confronted with a bleak financial situation. This is causing them to investigate cheaper travel options. Fortunately this troubling trend hasn’t stopped our countrymen from exploring the world. It has just changed which destinations are most appealing. When traveling on a budget, there are many factors that you need to consider. Jumping head first into an expensive Euro trip … →
Diamond Sky Casino is one of the hottest casino games on Facebook. In the past year it has exploded in popularity, hooking over 100,000 players. This game is quickly turning into a classic, maintaining its top spot for months. Curious to see if it lived up to the hype, I decided to dive head first into the game. Get a first hand glimpse from my experience to see if this game will continue to be the hottest thing trending on … →
Canada is an immense country that has its fair share of surprises, even to those living there. It’s massive borders span over 6 different time zones. This huge chunk of the planet is home to an outrageously diverse variety of wildlife, nature & humans. All these differences created a beautiful tapestry of the world’s most interesting anomalies. Thanks to this cornucopia of detail, there are many shocking facts that are completely unique to Canada. With so much diversity, there are bound … →
Canada’s jaw dropping nature & vibrant cities have put it on the map for adventurous travelers. This snow covered wonderland holds some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery. You can take your pick between majestic mountains, epic coastlines, untouched forests, spacious prairies & an exotic Arctic tundra. This unforgettable wildlife sets the stage for some of the world’s most intense extreme sports. From zip lining to cross country skiing, this countryside is absolutely packed with adrenaline inducing activities. When heading … →